On the day we are born
we choose our own paths
each of our lives so different
even if we love eachother
産まれた日に わたしたちは
愛してても 変えられない

things that can't be solved clockwise
are the most beautiful -
and that, is what you are
things that can't be
solved clockwise
are the most beautiful -
and that, is what you are
時計回りでは 解けないことが
なにより美しいと あなたがその全て

losing what we once had
we walk on again and again
stop the time
voice of prayers
link the time
you - always lit within
抱きしめたものを 失っては
また何度でも 人は歩ける
今を とめて
祈る この声で
時を つないで
君を 灯して